Our Mission is Habitat

Let us help you with yours

In Illinois, we believe there are three simple keys to improving habitat: More Habitat (obviously) Better Habitat (with limited acres – they need to be the right habitat to produce great populations) Improved Public Access (hunters are the strongest advocates for wildlife habitat – if we lose hunters, we lose habitat)

Pheasants Forever / Quail Forever is widely known as “The Habitat Organization” and it remains our primary tool to positively influence populations of wild pheasants and quail (as well as a suite of many other resident and migratory wildlife).

Chapter Network

Many of our 42 Pheasants Forever and 18 Quail Forever chapters in Illinois have the equipment and experience necessary to help you with your local project. Some chapters provide both equipment and experienced volunteers, some provide just equipment, others provide only financial assistance. Contact your local chapter to determine which services they provide (burning, seeding, invasive control, cost share, etc).

Find a Pheasants Forever Chapter

Find a Quail Forever Chapter 

Farm Bill Biologists

The Farm Bill Biologist Program is a partnership between Pheasants / Quail Forever, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The primary goals of the partnership is to assist landowners interested in enrolling marginal cropland acres into quality wildlife habitat. To find the nearest Illinois PFQF Farm Bill Biologists near you visit our Team Illinois page or click here to be re-directed.

PFQF Native Seed Mixes and Food Plot Mixes

The PF/QF Seed Program provides high quality, diverse conservation seed mixes that meet NRCS standards along with our Signature Series food plot blends. Find more at www.pfhabitatstore.com.

Helpful Habitat Articles

Food Plots

Signature Food Plot Series

Food Plot Cliff Notes

Food Plot Testing

Installing Native Habitat

Site Prep – Grass Kill It Now Kill It Good

Habitat Establishment – Grass Conversion

Habitat Establishment in Agland

Management of Pollinator Habitat

Reducing Cool Season Sod-Forming Grasses Without Herbicides

Xerces Society: Organic Site Preparation for Wildflower Establishment